Special Thanks

Now the sappy stuff...
Thanks to the following "studs" for making Flight School THAT MUCH MORE INTERESTING....

- Barela, for having the longest outstanding debt in brimble.com football pool history... and for the API carpool!

- Baxter, for being Matthew's first babysitter... thanks for giving us a night off.

- Christoff, for telling me EXACTLY what a certain Major was going to ask during the FAM12X brief, and what he was going to do during the flight... and for being EXACTLY right.

- Jesse, for being about three weeks ahead of me in EVERY stage of flight school and gouging me up... I am the Gang of Four king!

- Denning, for all those good times during INDOC week... You finalized the sked yet? cuz I have a pen and ink change for ya.

- Elliot, for sharing a wall with me in housing... and keeping the "volume" down.

- R.K., for realizing jets suck, helos rule, and stickin around for 6 extra months of fun... and for telling Orlando Approach that you wanted a Body Massage BOAH!!

- Fitts, for being such a homophobe...

- Frank, for all the WRX modding... Did you dent that Oil Filter?

- John, for allowing me to be Charlene's "teacher's pet"... and making it impossible to sleep in the back of that 172.

- Hosier, for proving that people actually do win those contests on the radio.

- Russ, for kicking my butt on the golf course with your stupid $100 driver.

- Doug, for keeping me and Norris inline during FAMs... Tail strike anyone?

- Zeb, for hangin out in the hall during Matthews birth... it wasn't as bad is it sounded (so I'm told).

- Nick, for setting the bar high in the "# of Aboves" department... IN IT TO WIN IT!!!

- McDermott, for taking the SuperBowl watch during check-in week, and for being the trouble maker in our class... zip those pockets up sailor!

- Menze, for the endless entertainment at Ryan's... She was sleeping on the beach with her shoes on DUDE!!!

- Murtaugh, for the 100 foot/100 mph bullseye.

- Newgren, for being a "stable platform" as lead... JUST HOLD 1000', 80KIAS!!!!!

- Norris, for keeping things in a California perspective... Split the field correctly lately?

- Plemons, for checking me into the lighthouse late Friday... THANK YOU SIR!!

- Trevor, for keeping brimble.com in business during the early rough times.

- Rigney, for being the key link in the Coastie gossip chain... and for calling "Attention on Deck" for me all those times.

- Sheets, for showing up at 0600 for a 1000 brief to claim the damn podium...

- Somma, for requesting all Southern AirStations... and going to Michigan... I have this box here with your name on it...

- Sullivan, for doing the "have a baby in flight school" thing before me, proving it could be done.

- Gabe, for having an equally unpronouncable last name... and for those bags of popcorn during those VT watches... and for doing that extra pushup.

- Karl, for all the RI sim fun... and for getting into an argument with just about ALL of our Sim Instructors... Overtorque what? I SAVED OUR LIVES!!!

...and to everyone else who made the daily fun of Flight School just that. Fun. Thanks!

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