PFPS Routes/Goodies (right click save as)

Orange Route Forward
Orange Route Reverse
Purple Route Forward
Purple Route Reverse
Red Route
Green Route
Green/Red Route combo for Forms

Course Rules:
South Whiting to Harold
South Whiting to Pace
South Whiting to Site 8
South Whiting to Spencer
South Whiting to Santa Rosa
Harold to South Whiting (Juniper Arrival)
Pace to South Whiting (Fog Arrival)
Pace to South Whiting (Hughes Arrival)
Site 8 to South Whiting (Fog Arrival)
Site 8 to South Whiting (Hughes Arrival)
Spencer to South Whiting (Fog Arrival)
Spencer to South Whiting (Hughes Arrival)
Spencer to Pace
Santa Rosa to South Whiting (Hughes Arrival)
Santa Rosa to South Whiting (Vertol Arrival)

Nice Night Fam route with the Hospital Route
Alert Area 292 Local points (Echo, Hughes, Fog, Pond, Fish, etc)

Put the routes in the PFPS/data/Routes folder.
Put the local.LPT file in PFPS/data/locals/ (make a copy of your local.LPT file in case mine doesn't work for some reason)

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